Start Time
Monday, October 14, 2024
Start: TBD
2:00 pm
End Time
Sunday, October 20, 2024
End: TBD
1:00 pm
GSTDL & Online
3500 E 4th St., Long Beach, CA 90814

Teacher / Translator

Event Description

Gaden Shartse Thubten Dhargye Ling is honored to host H.E. Zong Rinpoche again this year! The monastic staff and board of directors look forward to another momentous and memorable occasion. We hope that many of you will be able to join us, either in person or via Zoom, for the weeklong session of teachings and the initiation and blessings during the weekend.


Out of courtesy to GSTDL and Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, we kindly request that each attendee sign up using the following link to give us an idea of how many people will be attending in person or via Zoom.

For those attending in person, GSTDL will do its best to accommodate students and their needs based on the information we receive.

Sign-Up Form:

Zoom Attendance Link


Click Here to Print Out the Full Schedule

Mon, Oct 14- Fri, Oct 18, 2024

  1. Teaching Topic: Precious Garland
  2. Afternoon Sessions:  2pm-4pm
  3. Evening Sessions:  6pm-8pm
  4. Description of Session: “In this profound work of five hundred verses, we encounter a presentation of Buddhism that integrates both the worldly and the transcendent. The clear and sagacious advice laid out on every page serves as a road map to one’s highest goal—whether that goal is a better life, here called the Dharma of ascendance, or the ultimate one of spiritual freedom, the Dharma of the highest good. The verses, written for an unnamed ruler, touch on questions of statecraft, but their broader themes speak to us today because they tackle the difficulty of integrating one’s spiritual journey with the social and political demands of daily life.” - Excerpt taken from Wisdom Publications

Sat, Oct 19, 2024


  1. Event: Thousand Arm Chenrezig Initiation (Wang)
  2. Description of this initiation: TBD
  3. Commitment/Requirements: No requirements or commitments


  1. Event: Avalokiteshvara Blessing (Jenang)
  2. Description of this initiation: TBD
  3. Commitment/Requirements: No requirements or commitments

Sun, Oct 20, 2024


  1. Event: White Tara Long Life Initiation (Wang)
  2. Description of this initiation: Arya Tara is the embodiment of all Buddhas’ enlightened activities. The two prominent forms of Arya Tara are Green and White. White Arya Tara is one of the longevity deities cultivated by many yogis to prolong their precious human lives to seek enlightenment. Gurus conduct White Arya Tara’s long life empowerment to promote good physical and mental health and facilitate the development of Dharma practice. Participating in this empowerment does not usually involve tantric commitments.
  3. Commitment/Requirements: No requirements or commitments

For further information about initiations, please read this insightful article from the Berzin Archives:

Reading List

Link to purchase Precious Garland Book

You are welcomed to buy the book online. Books will also be available at the center for sale at its discounted price.

Wisdom Publications:

Promo Code: Enter NPG20 to receive a 20% discount on the book at checkout. This code is valid until December 31, 2024.

Link to Prayer Book

Will be available here once it becomes available

Suggested Reading Recommendations

The following are suggested readings in addition to the Precious Garland text.  

  1. Practical Ethics and Profound Emptiness - The Wisdom Experience: A commentary by the late Khensur Jampa Tegchok (ex-abbot of Sera Mey monastery in India, former FPMT teacher), Practical Ethics and Profound Emptiness also contains the translation of the text.  
  2. Cultivating a Compassionate Heart: The Yoga Method of Chenrezig: Describes the Chenrezig practice.
  3. Although we will be using the McClintock/Dunne version of Precious Garland during the actual teachings, we also recommend this version:


Your support is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us at