David's life-long commitment to his Buddhist practice was consistent, devoted and joyful. He felt greatly fortunate to have been a direct disciple of great and compassionate teachers like Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen, Lama Zopa, Lati Rinpoche and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I am very grateful that these teachings brought David the wisdom and courage to face health challenges that arose every day with calmness, grace and courage.
He took refuge in the Three Jewels, listened to Dharma teachings, observe Bodhisattva and Tantric Commitments, and joyfully practiced Dharma till the end of his life. May his merit and devotion to Gurus assist him in finding a human rebirth to continue his spiritual journey to full enlightenment.
I offer eternal gratitude to the Buddha's teachings, to my late husband's compassionate teachers, and to his Dharma friends, whom he proudly called his "Dharma Siblings." These three jewels guided David throughout his life. I pray that Geshe-la's dedicated student, David Bellos, will be joyfully connected to the Buddha Dharma forever to bring absolute happiness to himself and other sentient beings.
Om Mani Padme Hum!
- Ananya Bellos, wife of David Bellos
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